Saturday, March 24, 2012

The World Sailing Adventure

We set sails on the 10 th of February, from St.Maarten to Panama.
On Board we were Five: Barbara, Junah, Leo, a very good Friend of us Noberto that joint us to Panama, and myself.

It took us a bit longer than expected, since the Winds for the most Part of the Trip were fairly light.
With sunny Days and clear Nights we sailed 1100 sm in seven days. The way to start a long Voyage like Ours.

On our Passages we are used to eating Fish on daily bases. If the Catch is bigger than what we can eat we preserve the Fish by salting and drying it.
It was great that we managed to pull our sails up in the Anchorage of St.Maarten and entered the Port of Cologne under Sails. Basically Winds from the back all the way.

Now we are scheduled for the Transit of the Panama Canal for Friday the 24 th of February. We keep our Fingers crossed that there wont be any delays. Meanwhile it is a good time to stock up two to three months worth off Supplies and get ready for our next Leg to the Galapagos Islands!